Change, adapt, and survive

In order to change, it’s better to regret doing something than regretting not doing it.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Nabilla. I love primates and have always wanted to be involved in the primate world, but turns out fate had other plans. After graduating from the Faculty of Forestry Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), I ended up ‘falling into the world of a corporate slave in Jakarta. Hahaha

Jump out of the loop

After working for more than a year, I realized I needed to refresh for a while from my daily routine, wake up, work, go home, sleep, repeat. Finally, I decided to go back to the forest by joining as a volunteer in the Little Fireface Project. I think one month is enough to quench my thirst to feel the atmosphere of the forest, the morning dew, the sound of birds chirping and cicadas, the tired feet of walking along a steep rocky road up and down.

Win the challenges

However, when deciding to volunteer at LFP, there are challenges because, as a diurnal creature, it is easy to sleep when the clock strikes 8 pm. Having to be at the field at night is not an easy thing. There needs to be an adaptation and adjustments so that we can carry out activities infield. From this, I learned that in this world, nothing is fixed; nothing is certain. Everything changes rotate, moves, evolves and transforms. It takes action, action, and effort to survive.

As it goes …

One month at LPF, I got a lot of experience, new knowledge, new friends, new activities that I had never done before. I always get excited when I see a slow loris when they walk, climb, groom, eats. Slow lorises are so cute, very exciting!

Hopefully, there will be another opportunity to learn other new things, in other places, with other different people. I will miss waking up with cold temperatures and thick blankets, input data from tally sheets, night observations, cooking every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Thank you for kindly having me, LFP!! Cheers