Meet the Family: Dindi

Lupak and Dindi and their offspring are one of our newest followed family units. The first offspring of the couple Lupak and Dindi, Smol was born in 2019, and the second offspring Ghee was born in 2020. Although Smol was born in 2019, the LFP team did not find out about her existence until April this year, and we had already met Ghee at this point so finding Smol was a true surprise. Research Coordinator Katey was lucky enough to meet Ghee at only a few days old in March when mama Lupak moved Ghee from the location she had been parked and took her to a new sleeping site.

Beautiful Dindi looking proud, as he should be!

This family is quite visible in their close relationship, especially Smol as she loves to share her parents sleeping site, even though she is over a year old now and very capable of sleeping alone. But not for Ghee, we understand because Ghee is still very young to change sleeping site. Although the family still sleep together, we rarely see them doing social behaviour, only Ghee and her sister Smol often being social, with Smol teaching Ghee to find food, though they do not stray far from Ghee’s bed. They love to eat the sap from the Salamandar tree (Silver oak- Grevillea robusta) because there is a Salamandar tree adjacent to their sleeping site.

Baby Ghee!
*Our trackers are trained in handling lorises the safest way for both us and them. Ghee was having a health check and was in no pain or discomfort. Remember, slow lorises are wild animals, please do not approach or handle them!*

Dindi is a solitary man, even though he is a father, we rarely find him with his children. But Dindi is a very romantic father, we have seen Dindi and Lupak looking for food together, then we noticed Dindi gnawing at the trunk of the jackfruit tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus). We thought Dindi was foraging for himself and we weren’t expecting what happened next! After Dindi finished gnawing at the log, the sap from the tree came out, and Dindi moved over to let Lupak lick the sap. We know now that Lupak was pregnant with her youngest offspring when we observed this behaviour. It turned out that Dindi is not so distant, he is actually a kind-hearted father who provided nutrition for Lupak and his unborn offspring Ghee. Romantic right?

Lovely Lupak

Keluarga Lupak. Yapp merupakan keluarga yang cukup muda (menurut kami) karena dari semua Keluarga Kukang yang ada di Cipaganti, keluarga ini tercatat hanya baru memiliki 2 (dua) anak yang relatif cukup muda. Anak pertama dari pasangan Lupak dan Dindi yaitu Smol yang lahir pada tahun 2019 lau, dan anak keduanya yang bernama Ghee yang lahir pada tahun 2020. Keluarga ini cukup terlihat kedekatan kekekuargaannya, terutama Smol yang selalu mengikuti kedua orang tuanya saat mrmilih tempat untuk tidur. Namun tidak untuk Ghee, kami memaklumi karena Ghee masih sangat muda untuk berpindah tempat tidur. Namun kami jarang melihat mereka melalukan Sosial, hanya Ghee dan kakaknya Smol yang sering terlihat sosial, kakaknya sering mengajarkan Ghee untuk mencari makan, meskipun belum jauh dari tempat tidurnya Ghee. Mereka senang sekali memakan getah dari pohon Salamandar (Silver oak- Grevillea robusta), karena pohon itu tak jauh dan sangat bersebelahan dengan tempat tidur mereka. Ada kejadian unik pada saat Lupak sedang mengandung Ghee pada waktu itu, saat Lupak dan Dindi terlihat sedang mencari makan di pohon  Nangka (Jackfruit- Artocarpus heterophyllus) Dindi sedang menggerogoti kulit pohon Nangka tersebut kemudian saat getah dari gigitan Dindi selesai dan keluar dari batang pohon tersebut Dindi mempersilahkan Lupak untuk memakan getahnya, sangat lah romantis bagi kami.

Little Smol