Loris Awareness Week Almost here! Prepare!

For those who have been following the Little Fireface Project, you will know that Loris Awareness week starts the 16th of September. This is the first international week dedicated to the conservation of the Asian lorises and increasing awareness about this rare and amazing group of primates.

We have a few requests for help to make this week a success and to magnify public knowledge about the lorises.

  1. For those of you on Facebook, please download one of our awareness cover photos and keep it up for the week, or change it to one of the selection throughout the week. Your own friends will wonder, what is that loris?!
  2. On Facebook or twitter, change your own avatar/ profile pic to one of our cute loris mangas with an awareness message for the week.
  3. Try to recruit 5 friends to follow us on Twitter or join us on Facebook.
  4. We will post several messages during the week and ask for reposting and RT – if as many of you can do it as possible, this will spread the message far and wide!
  5. Share you stories about lorises. If you have a story you would like considered for posting on nocturama.org, please send it to littlefireface@gmail.com
  6. Send us nice pictures of you doing loris events, or just wearing your slow loris t-shirt, or post them on Facebook!

You can’t believe the power of social networking. If the 2300 of you who currently ‘like’ or ‘follow’ Little Fireface Project or Anna’s work can reach just 10 people each, suddenly 23,000 people will know about lorises! It’s all about awareness. If we aren’t aware, we can’t help.